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Medjugorje Blue BookAbandon Yourselves Totally to MeOther languages: English, Italiano
Date: November 7, 2006 , Last update March 1, 2008 Author: Dr. Fra Slavko Barbarić, OFM , Fra Tomislav Vlašić, OFM Category: Early Medjugorje Reflections Books , Books , Priests of Medjugorje Content of the article
This book is the second of the four volumes of sermons and discourses given by Fr. Slavko Barbaric and Fr. Tomislav Vlasic during 1984 - 1987 in Medjugorje, and contains discourses given from January to June 1985. 30 Chapters of this book are now completed 'I invite you to the light you must bring to all those who are in darkness' Lent messagesWhile wishing you all a Happy Easter, I want to introduce you to the Lent messages in this period. On Thursday before Lent February 14th, She said: "Today is the day I usually give you messages. But all the Parish does not accept and live them. I am sad and I would like you, dear children, to listen to my messages and to live them. Every family must pray together and read the Bible. Thank you for your response to my call." I can add to this message. We do not know many messages in which Our Lady says 'you must' but in this message She said it. Our Lady always introduces herself as the Mother who knocks and who you have to open the door to. And if Our Lady says 'you must', you really must take this word seriously. And this was, I think, the preparation for Lent. Our Lady teaches us. She wanted to prepare us for Lent after saying "you must pray and read the Bible." On the first Thursday (21st February) She said: "Dear children, day after day I invite you to renew your prayer in the parish. But you do not accept. Today I am inviting you for the last time; Lent has begun and you, as a parish, can arouse yourselves to my call for my sake. If you do not do so I do not wish to give any more messages. Our Lord lets me do this. Thank you for your response to my call." Another little explanation. Our Lady said "I invite you for the last time". Then She does not say 'you must' any longer. She invites us again: "for my sake you should answer my call. If you do not want to, I will not speak." She does not want to force us. I say this: if love does not arouse us, what can ? Fear ? If we wait for fear it can even be too late. I think it is better to answer the invitation of love than the one of fear. And if we answer only for fear we act still as children who understand only when you shake your finger. On 28th February She gave the following message: "Dear children, today I am inviting you to live, all the week long, these words 'I love God'. Dear children, through love you can succeed in everything, even in what seems impossible to you. Our Lord wants a total abandonment of the Parish to Him ... I want it too. Thank you for your response to my call." So when She said "if you do not want it I will speak no more", we did not know whether She would still give messages. But then Our Lady gave this wonderful message by which She invited us to live the words 'I love God': this is very important. By these words 'I love God' we can always examine, every day, our whole life long. And we must always look at all words, all actions under these words 'I love God.' She said another thing: "by love you can win everything, even impossible things." So, if we have some difficulties, this is a sign that our love is still shallow. This is something we must always think of. Can I live all my life under these words: I love God ? On 7th March She gave us this message : "Dear children, I invite you to the renewal of prayer in your families. Dear children, invite the youngest to prayer and to the celebration of Mass. Thank you for your response to my call." So here She invites the relatives to pray with the little ones. This is most important. There is a saying: The very things the grownups do not do, the young can learn less easily or they cannot learn them at all. And if you do not pray, how can the young ? But if you begin, you relatives, you grownups, to pray, children will pray, and the young too. And id you meet Our Lord in prayer and you are joyful the young will follow you. So, instead of getting angry with the young pray in front of them. Another message on 14th March: "Dear children, in life you will have the experience of light and of darkness. Our Lord gives everybody the gift of recognising, of discerning good from evil. I invite you to the light which you must bring to all those who live in darkness. Every day people who are in darkness come to your homes. Give them, dear children, light. Thank you for your response to my call. " Starting from this message I want to say this: Our Lady invites us to give light to all those who are in darkness. I am sure every man on earth wants peace, wants love, wants light. But we all know that there is still not much love in the world, much peace, much reconciliation. And we all wonder why ? The answer is this: there are not yet many who can give this. From whom can we expect peace and love, but from the ones who know Jesus, who know Our Lady ? So, when you go back to your families and to your homes, do not try to be loved, but to love. Do not seek peace from the others, but give it. And you will see: they all want peace and will be willing to accept it. And this is our duty. Give light, because we accept it from Our Lord. On 21st March She gave this message: "Dear children, today I am inviting you: pray, pray, pray. In prayer you will have the deepest joy and the solution to every situation that seems impossible to you. Thank you for having become active in prayer. Each of you is dear to my heart. I thank all of those who have encouraged prayer in their families." She says: "In prayer you will have the deepest joy." So, where is your joy ? Again we must wonder: what is our prayer ? Prayer means meeting Our Lord personally. If we do not have joy, maybe we cannot pray well, maybe our prayer is only a mechanical prayer. And I know that nobody is against the deepest joy. So why not take time for the deepest prayer and learn it ? Because this is the path to the deepest joy. A message not dating Thursday, but Sunday (24th March), The Eve of the Annunciation was: "Today I want to invite you to Confession. Even if you have been to confession recently I want you to live my feastday in your hearts. But you cannot live it if you are not completely abandoned to Our Lord. For this reason I invite you to be reconciled to the Lord." Just a word: what does 'reconciliation' mean ? 'Reconciliation' means accepting Our Lord's will which we refused in sin. We refused in sin Our Lord's plan for us. And Our Lady invites us to accept this plan coming from Our Lord, as She did on the day of the Annunciation. Our Lady said 'yes'. It can be said that Her 'fiat' was Her reconciliation. She was ready to accept. On Maundy Thursday: "Dear children, I thank you because you have begun thinking more of Our Lord's glory in your hearts. Today is the day when I did not want to give any more messages because some of you do not accept me. But the Parish has made a move and for this reason I want to continue giving you also in the future, my messages in a way that has never happened in the history of the world." What is the meaning of thinking of Our Lord's glory ? Seeking peace, love, reconciliation. That is what this means. This is what Our Lord wants. Our Lady said She did not want to give any more messages. I think She said that, you know, because of the difficulties we are having. But She said: "as you accept them, I am going on giving them." This is a sign for us that Our Lady will win with God's children. And you are God's children. On Good Friday She gave a message through Ivanka: "You in the Parish are having a great and difficult cross: but do not be afraid of carrying it. Here is My Son who will help you." Not only in the Parish, but to you all She said: "My Son is with you and will help you carry the Cross." These were the Lent messages. Fr. Slavko Barbaric 7th April, 1985) | | |||
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