This prayer has been made by the priests during the "7th International Meeting for Priests at the School of Mary" in Medjugorje.
Immaculate Virgin Mary, Our Mother, Queen of Peace! We, the priests, Your beloved sons, want to consecrate ourselves today to Your Immaculate Heart.
By this act of consecration, we wish to put into life - with You and with Your help – all of the obligations that we have taken upon ourselves through our Baptismal and Priestly consecration.
We promise to work on our inner conversion, which sets us free from all human attachment to ourselves, to honours, comfort and easy compromises with the world, so that we may be, like You, free to do the will of the Lord.
To You, O Mother, we confide our priesthood and we promise to renew daily the spirit of prayer and of penance, to celebrate with fervour the Holy Eucharist, to pray the Holy Rosary, so that our priesthood may be an example to all.
Our Mother, Queen of Peace, give to your priests that peace, which dwells in Your heart.
We promise our fidelity to the Gospel, and to be its faithful witnesses and apostles, until the shedding of our blood. We promise our fidelity to the Church, to the service of which we have consecrated ourselves. We want especially to be united with the Holy Father and with our Church Superiors.
Under Your Motherly protection, we want to be apostles of unity in prayer and in love towards the Pope, which is so needed.
We promise to You, O Mother, that we will lead the faithful that have been confided to us, in devotion towards You.
Queen of Peace, renew in us the spirit of piety and the spirit of love that you have towards us. Watch over your priests and awaken our hearts. Lay Your Motherly hands on Your priests and accompany them in this world.
Mary, Our Mother, Queen of Peace, we lift up to You our eyes and our hearts, we invoke Your Motherly help and expect from You salvation for all Your children, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary!