Approximately 3 years before the Bosnian war, I dreamt that I went overseas with some friends from work. We were traveling around together but I felt a negative force chasing us to kill us. As we traveled around, there were so much death and destruction, people dying of hunger, others with limbs missing and children left orphaned.
It was as though we were traveling around this map with death and destruction. There were tanks bombing buildings, people being shot or stabbed.
A dream of Anna
It felt like we were on the run, we took horse and cart, cars buses with no windows. I kept praying as the sight of all those dead people terrified me. At times we ran so fast, I kept grabbing my friends so that we would not be shot or killed by the enemy.
We went through hills, trees, but I could not get over the cold wet mud, and the queues of people trying to walk to safety. The fear in their faces was so overwhelming; actually, a lot of them had blank faces it was like their life had been sucked out of them.
I felt my heart beating so fast as we were trying to get to safety, next thing I felt we had crossed over. Wherever we were nothing but nothing could touch us. The sky was blue, and I saw this bomb on a side which the enemy launched but did not explode, it just stood there on a slant. (It looked like this but more stocky and sitting up). It was like this place was protected, nothing could affect anyone there. The war was going on all around them and this place was untouchable, it felt like it had a veil of protection.
As we came closer I saw this white church with two side peaks, I saw a fountain and Our Lady. Birds and butterflies were flying around and I felt at peace. It was so beautiful actually majestic. I remember sitting down on the fountain and feeling safe. The only thing is that the fountain did not have railing around it like in this picture.
A few years later my friend Domenic came over with this film from Medjugorie. As we sat and watched, I felt that I had already been to all the places in the video, but new it was impossible as the only place I went to was Italy.
Comment of the website editor
Shapes of our future and what happens in every part of world are known to God and heaven... In dreams, God or Heaven can communicate with us through symbols, sometimes even in shapes of future. Some dreams about future we may consider as a sign of God's existence and omniscience, and an encouragement of our faith. In this dream, God or Heaven could had shown Anna Medjugorje as a place from which she can have spiritual benefit; place that could become for her a source and an inspiration on her spiritual way. An oasis of peace and spirituality in this selfish, violent, cruel and self-destructive world.
By revealing the future, God or Heaven can further emphasize signification of the content of a concrete dream or in some other particulal cases, signification of dreams in general. Such dreams can have important content, including but not limited to future, or even a message from God. Such content in the common awake state we would not be able to receive or comprehend.
There is no fountain below the statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje near St. James, however fountain can be considered as a symbol of flowing spiritual grace, as fountains of waters of spiritual life, love, prayer, faith, etc. Near statue, however one can get only tap water.
The next day I have published the dream of Anna and the comment above, I have received the following testimony from Karena:
Testimony of Karena
My husband and I planned this recent (August - September 07) trip to Italy, Croatia, and Medjugorje for almost one year, planning and organizing everything on the internet.
After several weeks in Italy, we hired a car and drove from Split to Medjugorje, all the way praying that Our Lady would guide and direct us there safely. We arrived late in the afternoon but had difficulty finding our accommodation, driving around several times with frustration. We decided to stop at an unknown pansion and boldly walked inside and asked a young girl if she knew where this place was. Without hesitation, she made a phone call and said her uncle would take us there.
We were guided there and greeted very warmly, unloaded our luggage and decided to head off to Apparition Hill. We joined a prayer group with the joyful mysteries and made our separate way up to Our Lady's statue and the crucifix along side of it. Later we went to mass at St. James church.
For a long , long time I had been lifting my prayers up to Our Lady, and many times was compelled to give up, feeling let down, angry and unheard. My faith was diminishing. I again lifted my prayers up to her (the same ones each day) and left a petition embedded under a rock. Again hoping and hoping that my prayers would be answered or at least, some of them.
My own private thoughts compelled me to ask Our Lady to reveal to me somehow, someway that she was listening. Every night for the next several nights I asked her for a sign. The next morning, very early we walked up Mt Krizivic, then drove to Mostar and headed to Dubrovnik for a few days.
During my last night in Dubrovnik, I had a very restless nights sleep, in and out of slumber, tossing and turning, despite a cool evening and a comfortable bed. In one of my slumber moments and heading towards dawn these words just echoed in my head:
"Trust in the Name of the Lord, he is Good, and he will Guide you along the right path."
Immediately woke up and I was playing it over and over in my head, and then decided to write it down word for word.
It is my belief that this is a message from Our Lady encouraging me to Trust the Lord more, and leave all my cares to him and he will answer my petitions in due course.
This was (and still is) a very special message and moment that I will cherish privately in my heart. But I wanted to share with readers that the Lord is there to help and no matter what, don't give up.
This experience has brought me peace. Since my return (almost two months now) I can slowly see my prayers being answered, not in my way, but in the Lord's way. He does work in mysterious ways.