Medjugorje Videos

Selection of Quality Online Video by month June, 2011

Languages: English, Italiano
Added June 3, 2011 /  Category: Italian only
Raidue Tg2 Apparizioni E Segreti Di Medjugorje

Tratto dal programma di approfondimento del TG2 "TG2 Dossier".

Added June 4, 2011 /  Category: Music with pictures
Medjugorje Oasis Of Peace Oasi Di Pace
Added June 5, 2011 /  Category: Medjugorje Apparitions, Wide screen
Medjugorje Apparition Mirjana June 2011
Added June 12, 2011 /  Category: Wide screen, Music with pictures
Guariscimi O Mio Signor Figli Del Divino Amore Medjugorie
Added June 13, 2011 , Last update June 17, 2011 /  Category: Italian only, Wide screen
Paulo Brosio Claudia Koll Matrix

Giovedì sera 9 giugno 2011 Paolo Brosio ospite alla puntata di Matrix, su Canale 5, con grande successo di telespettatori

Added June 18, 2011 /  Category: Italian only
30 Anni Con Maria Medjugorje

Medjugorje - Reportage del pellegrinaggio a Medjugorje dell'Associaizone Amici di Telechiara, nel trentennale dalle apparizioni della 'Gospa' come chiamano in croato la Madonna. (Elena Mattiuzzo)

Added June 18, 2011 /  Category: Medjugorje Messages / Author: Wise84
Medjugorje Message May 25 2011
Added June 24, 2011 , 8:12 PM /  Category: Medjugorje News
30 Years Since Apparitions Of Virgin Mary At Medjugorje

Thirty years ago, on June 24, 1981, the Virgin Mary supposedly began appearing to six young people in a small village called Medjugorje in Bosnia Herzegovina. Thus began of one of the most controversial phenomenons in recent memory that turned this tiny village into one of the most visited places in Europe. More than one million visit Medjugorje every year.

Added June 25, 2011 /  Category: Italian only
Trent Anni Medjugorje Sulla Via Di Damasco
Added June 27, 2011 /  Category: Wide screen, Italian only
Raistoria Dixit I Segreti Di Medjugorje

For God to live in your hearts, you must love.
