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Content of the article - Italiano - Messaggio, 2 febbraio 2015
- English - Message, February 2, 2015
- Español - Mensaje, 2 de febrero de 2015
- Hrvatski - Poruka, 2. veljača 2015.
- Deutsch - Mensaje, 2. február 2015
- Français - Message, 2. février 2015
- Português - Mensagem, 2015.g. 2. fevereiro
- Polski - Orędzie 2. luty 2015r
- Čeština - Poselství 2. února 2015
- Română - Mesaj din 2 februarie 2015
- Tiếng Việt - Thông điệp Medjugorje ngày, 2.Tháng Hai 2015
- Slovenščina - Sporočilo, 2. februar 2015
- Nederlands - Boodschap, 2 februari 2015
- Русский - Послание, 2 Февраль, 2015
English - Message, February 2, 2015 “Dear children! I am here, I am among you. I am looking at you, am smiling at you and I love you in the way that only a mother can. Through the Holy Spirit who comes through my purity, I see your hearts and I offer them to my Son. Already for a long time I have been asking of you to be my apostles, to pray for those who have not come to know God’s love. I am asking for prayer said out of love, prayer which carries out works and sacrifices. Do not waste time thinking about whether you are worthy to be my apostles. The Heavenly Father will judge everyone; and you, love him and listen to him. I know that all of this confuses you, even my very stay among you, but accept it with joy and pray that you may comprehend that you are worthy to work for Heaven. My love is upon you. Pray that my love may win in all hearts, because that is the love which forgives, gives and never stops. Thank you. ”
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