Medjugorje Website Updates by month اوت, 2006

اوت 2 2006 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Mirjana
Other languages: English, Български, Čeština, Italiano, Latviešu, Română, زبان_فارسی
فرزندان عزيزم! در اين لحظات پر از آرامش من به سوي شما مي‌آيم كه راه آرامش را به شما نشان دهم. من شما را با عشقي بي‌حد دوست مي‌دارم و مي‌خواهم كه شما نيز يكديگر را دوست بداريد و در هر شخصي با عشقي فراوان فرزند مرا ببينيد. راه آرامش صرفا از طريق عشق انجام مي‌شد. دستهايتان را به من بدهيد به مادرتان و به من اجازه بدهيد هدايتتان كنم. من ملكه آرامش هستم. متشكرم. ميريانا اضافه كرد كه من ديدم كه آسمان باز شد و نشانه‌اي از صليب و قلب و خورشيد باز شد.
اوت 10 2006 , Originally published اوت 15 2005 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Visionaries, Jelena Vasilj / Author: Sr. Emmanuel
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Polski
Children and TV (illustration photo)

For years, Jelena was formed by the Gospa. For years, Jelena was trained by the Gospa directly and today she remains a well of light for whoever wants to understand Our Lady's maternal spirit. Here are a few words that I gleaned these days from Jelena:

"Before I was married, my life was easier. I was studying, I was free, actually, I was working on my personal formation. Now my life as a spouse and mother obligates me to practice everything I learned. That is to say, to give all of myself constantly and without counting the cost. My children - they are my superiors. Looking at my children teaches me a lot about God. God is relationship and we are created in His image. I can tell by looking at my children! When a child makes noise, cries, weeps, hits, it's because he wants to enter into a relationship with us. A child, just like God, is always seeking a relationship. For a child this relationship is vital because it is through this relationship that he is built up. The richness of life is communicated through relationships. We all live out of relationships.

"When a child is experiencing relationship, he doesn't need television. Rather, he is at peace. He is satisfied. I've noticed that with my children. They never want television and even when they go to the homes of their friends, they don't want it. Television is interruption of relationship and sharing that unites family and friends. Often, we erect walls of protection against life and we lock ourselves in. When I am in a room with someone and I turn on the television, it is as if I am telling him that he is not interesting enough for me and doesn't deserve my attention.

اوت 10 2006 , Originally published سپتامبر, 2002 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Visionaries, Jelena Vasilj / Author: Sr. Stefania Consoli
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano
Wedding Celebration between Jelena Vasilj and Massimiliano Valente

..brethren, exercise yourselves in charity! (St. Augustine)

With the musical version of the Litany, the Saints were called to witness at the wedding celebration between Jelena Vasilj and Massimiliano Valente on 24th August 2002 in the Shrine of the Queen of Peace at Medjugorje.

Over 500 guests (mostly from abroad) filled St. James church to join the parishioners to pray for this new family. "From his shrine may the Lord bless you.." read Fra Dragan Rucic at the start of the Mass. A choir of splend-id voices from Vicenza (Italy), and several soloists, helped make the cele-bration more sacred and solemn.

اوت 19 2006 /  Section: Picture & Photo Galleries - Category: Medjugorje Photos - Pictures Gallery, Youth Festival 'Mladifest', Medjugorje
17th International Youth Festival

Photos from the Medjugorje Festival during 1. - 6. August, 2006.

اوت 21 2006 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje News, Festival Mladifest
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
The 17th International Youth Festival in Medjugorje

"We have the same attitude towards God when we do not put Him in the first place and when we do not pray. We are far removed from the source of the spring and become frustrated. Grace is given to us through our relationship with God - in prayer."

The 17th International Youth Festival took place in Medjugorje from August 1 to 6, 2006. This year’s theme was, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps 119 [118]:105), in harmony with the theme, which the Holy Father Benedict XVI gave to the youth for this year’s World Youth Day that took place on Palm Sunday in local Churches.

اوت 25 2006 /  Section: Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Category: Monthly Messages
فرزندان عزيزم! امروز نيز شما را فرا مي‌خوانم به اينكه دعا كنيد دعا كنيد دعا كنيد. تنها در دعا شما به فرزند من نزديك خواهيد بود و به كوتاهي زندگي پي خواهيد برد. در قلبهاي شما آرزوي آسمان متولد خواهد شد. شادي بر قلبهايتان شروع به حكومت خواهد كرد و دعا در شما مانند يك رودخانه جاري خواهد شد. در كلمات شما تنها شكرگذاري خداوند براي آفرينش شما و براي درخواست پاكي و تقدس و زندگي حقيقي خواهد بود. متشكرم از اينكه پيغام مرا شنيديد.

For God to live in your hearts, you must love.
