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![]() | Wayne Weible and his Medjugorje: The Last Apparition of Mary on earth falsehoodsRecently, we had received an e-mail from Judith Weible asking us to advertise Wayne Wieble's book Medjugorje: THE LAST APPARITION in our "web spage store" [sic]. Note: we do not have and never had any store and we do not sell or advertise anything. In the official description of the book Weible states that it is "a must read!" and that "underlying the story is the disclosure by the Mother of Jesus that she will never come to earth again in apparition". We replied asking Judith and Wayne Weible if they could please stop deceiving others with this false Medjugorje the last apparition on earth claim, which was many times explicitly rejected by the Medjugorje visionaries. It resulted in few mails exchanged with Wayne Weible. Wayne Weible wrote to us that Medjugorje visionaries Marija and Vicka confirmed his Medjugorje last apparition on earth thesis. We faced Wayne Weible with eight samples of four Medjugorje visionaries clarifications with clear and explicit refutations of his claims, including Vicka. The reader will find these further bellow in this article. These Medjugorje visionaries clarifications not only do not support Wayne Weible's claims at all, but clearly and explicity rejects them. Mirjana for instance, even labels claims of Medjugorje apparitions being the last time Our Lady will appear on earth contained in books as those of Wayne Weible as "misinterpretation". She also says: "it was the desire of some people, to make some sensation." Wayne Weible after that stated that Medjugorje visionaries "are not infallible any more than any one of us is infallible". He also wrote that visionaries quote the messages such as the one of June 23, 1982: "These apparitions are the last in the world", but they add "in this way" to the messages, which is according to Wayne Weible only their own interpretation. With this, Wayne Weible contradicts numerous visionaries clarifications, who over and over insits that previously mentioned words "in this way" were in fact Our Lady's words. Medjugorje visionary Vicka talked on Radio Maria in 2008 about one of the message she received, which Wayne Weible uses for his Medjugorje last apparition on earth claims. Vicka said: "For me the message that the Madonna has given is very clear: this is the last time that She will be present here on earth in the way She has been present at Medjugorje for such a long period of time." Mirjana for example, in 1998 received this question: "Did Our Lady say that Medjugorje is the last time she will appear on earth?". Mirjana responded with the following: "Our Lady never said it that way. People that want to create sensationalism say that because they pick and choose the things that they like. What Our Lady said was that 'this is the last time I will be on earth in this way.' She said clearly that in this way, this is the last time she will be on earth ..." Mirjana also said on another occasion in 2009: “I never thought that she would be last time on earth. That is wrong interpretation.” In such way, Wayne Weible accuses Medjugorje visionaries of adding their own interpretations to messages, falsely presenting these additions as Our Lady's words and also accuses visionaries to be lying to all of us about it. Even if Wayne Weible would be right with these serious accusations, it would mean that none of the messages which Medjugorje visionaries delivered or their comments about secrets could be fully trusted, including those which Wayne Weible uses to support his personal beliefs about Medjugorje being the last Marian apparitions on earth. Unfortunately, it appears that even if visionaries would in public meetings with pilgrims insist perhaps every day that Our Lady never said or expressed Herself that in Medjugorje it's the last time She would appear on earth, Wayne Weible will still continue to confuse and fool the public with his own spin of the story. He would support his thesis with arguments such as that he was 111 times in Medjugorje, that he already wrote at least two books with the same claims, that he is stating obvious or that visionaries make their own additions to messages. We are afraid, that Wayne Wible will not stop to sell his theories and speculations about Medjugorje being the last apparitions on earth as Our Lady's words. And that he will also continue using deceptive advertisement and false statements such as "underlying the story is the disclosure by the Mother of Jesus that she will never come to earth again in apparition" to increase the interest and sensation. Weible's will likely continue to make large amounts money, boasting with "very good sales" and alleging "excellent feedback" of Wayne Weible's dubious books. It appears that for this purpose Weible's will always find enough gullible and uniformed people. We encourage those interested in the topic to read the original conversation bellow and make their own conclusions about veracity of Wayne Weible's claims, methods, argumentation and reliability. From: 'Judith Weible' Marek, I am writing to you from New Hope Press publishing house. We offer catholic christian books on Medjugorje. We mostly have titles on Medjugorje by Wayne Weible. His latest book: "Medjugorje: The Last Apparition" came out last month. So far we have had very good sales and excellent feedback. Attached is some information on the book. We thought you might be interested in offering it on your website store. Best wishes, Judith Weible Associate Publisher
From: 'M. Gayer' “Underlying the story is the disclosure by the Mother of Jesus that she will never come to earth again in apparition. THE LAST APPARITION is a must read!”
Judith and/or Wayne Weible,
Would you please stop deceiving others with this false “last apparition” claim? It was many times explicitly rejected by Medjugorje visionaries. Their explanations clearly contradicts your advertising sentence above and the misleading and sensationalist title of the book.
I only hope that you are at least not aware that you are spreading falsehoods, and not that you would know well about the visionaries clarifications, but would keep spinning it anyway to make sensation and money.
More information: http://www.medjugorjelive.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8019&p=74182 Sean Bloomfield wrote me in 2006: Marek, you are absolutely correct. I have interviewed Mirjana and Jakov and asked them this question... They both told me that they were misquoted, by the author Jan Connell for one, in regards to this subject.
Bernard Gallagher wrote:
Best regards, Marek Gayer
From: 'Wayne Weible' March 11, 2013 Dear Marek, In response to your email questioning the apparitions at Medjugorje, as indicated in the title of my latest book, The Last Apparition, as being authentic, I can only give you what the Blessed Virgin stated to the visionaries in the early days. Here are two messages: May 2, 1982 "I have come to call the world to conversion for the last time. Afterwards, I will not appear any more on this earth." (One of the most important messages given at Medjugorje; this is a time of final harvest of souls. –ww)
June 23, 1982 Concerning these apparitions being the last ones on earth: “These apparitions are the last in the world.” Further, the fact that there are future prophecies, known as the ten secrets, which include dire catastrophic events that will change the world indicate the reason. With the conclusion of the Medjugoreje apparitions, there will be no need for the Blessed Virgin Mary to come to earth in apparition, which always seem to occur in times of crisis. I have written about these being the last apparitions in at least two other books. Also, I have questioned Mirjana directly on this and she simply walked around it and would not answer beyond saying she did not remember Our Lady saying this to her. Visionary Marija has confirmed it, as has Vicka through articles and interviews. What do you think is going to be left after the occurrence of the last secret? With one-third of the world population still alive, mankind will resort to putting God in the first place and live as people did in ancient times. I have spent 25 years of involvement in the Medjugorje apparitions, have literally read all of the messages and find the mission of Medjugorje to bring conversion to as many souls as possible in the time left before it concludes. In addition, I have been there 111 times and have had numerous conversations with all of the visionaries. Please read all of the book. I only hope you will see that it is not about sensationalizing to sell books, but simply stating the obvious. I have never written a book for reasons of profit but only through what I feel called to do by Heaven. Thank you for the work you do in promoting the messages of love and peace. Medjugorje is about peace and not meant to frighten or scare anyone into belief. In Christ, Wayne Weible
From: 'M. Gayer' Dear Wayne,
Mirjana very clearly rejected your claims of Medjugorje being The Last apparition on Earth on several occasions. She has read the newspapers and books which, same as yours, claim that Medjugorje apparitions is the last time Our Lady will appear on earth. She explicitly rejects these claims as misinterpretations and insists over and over again that these books omitted “in this way”. She also explicitly says: “I never thought that she would be last time on earth. That is wrong interpretation.” (full quote below).
Visionary Vicka also rejected these: “For me the message that the Madonna has given is very clear: this is the last time that She will be present here on Earth in the way She has been present at Medjugorje for such a long period of time. I heard Her speak those words because I was the one who received them personally; the words of the other message I did not receive personally and maybe the other seers could add something more.”. (full
quote below).
I am of course familiar with both alleged 1982 messages you quote. Messages between 1981 – 1983 are unconfirmed by the Medjugorje parish. Currently, there is no warranty of their reliability, preciseness and completeness. For example, the message from June 23, 1982, … “These apparitions are the last in the world.” was an alleged answer for a question of the very controversial Tomislav Vlasic, who might have distorted the message.
You write me about prophecies of dire catastrophic events, speculating about one third of people being left after the last secret, fact that you already wrote two books with the same last apparition on Earth claims, and that you were in Medjugorje 111 times. It does not bring any convincing or rational explanation of your claims either. It all put together sounds odd, even unhealthy. I expect your book will contain similar statements and will continue in the similar spirit.
This is enough to prove that your claims of Medjugorje as the last apparition on Earth are anything but “obvious”, and are rejected and contradicted by at least four of the visionaries (Sean Bloomfield interviewed Jakov who says basically the same). To issue in 2013 a book with such title and official book description, after many years since visionaries repeatedly and explicitly clarified and rejected these claims, is very unfortunate, unprofessional and misleading. And to continue even now insisting that Medjugorje is the last apparition and that “Mother of Jesus will never come to earth again in apparition” with given clarifications quoted fully bellow by Mirjana, Vicka, and Ivan is clearly wrong, deceptive and also possibly dishonest, if selling books with such title and description.
Bernard Gallagher put it together well: “When people start producing books on Medjugorje, they never really research the messages, especially the early ones, and just “lift” them from earlier publications … Mirjana can keep correcting the error until kingdom come, but there will always be some out there that will not be aware of this or even not want to know the truth.”
Best regards, Marek Gayer
Mirjana responded at a meeting with pilgrims, September 2005, to a question about reports claiming that the Medjugorje apparitions is the last time Our Lady will appear on earth:
Mirjana speaking through an interpreter in London: “That’s not the truth. I know it was written in some newspapers and some books, and I was able to read that. These are the words of Our Lady, the really correct ones. Our Lady said: ‘This is the last time I come to earth in this way.’ And in the books it did not say ‘in this way’. They cut this part and only wrote: ‘This is my last apparitions on earth,’ I personally believe, with the words ‘in this way’, Our Lady intended to mean that there are so many visionaries at the same time and for such a long time (the Medjugorje apparitions) and not that she would not come on earth again.” Mirjana's Question and Answer Session, 1998 Q: Did Our Lady say that Medjugorje is the last time she will appear on earth? A: Our Lady never said it that way. People that want to create sensationalism say that because they pick and choose the things that they like. What Our Lady said was that, "this is the last time I will be on earth in this way." She said clearly that in this way, this is the last time she will be on earth. And through my own prayer, I came to think what she meant was that this is the last time that she will be for this long of a period of time and with this many visionaries, not that she will never come to earth again.
A talk (question and answer session) given by Mirjana in the Oasis of Peace on 3rd October 2009
Q: The sign that will appear in Medjugorje, I read that when that appears and if you have not converted, it will be too late. ( I think Mirjana may have misunderstood the nature of this question as evidenced by her reply) “That is not true. Our Lady said like this: This is the last time I visit earth in this way. Now this would be my personal opinion, what she meant with that: these many years, many visionaries but I never thought that she would be last time on earth That is wrong interpretation. Same as in one of her messages, Our Lady said “ I am giving you my motherly blessing but from today on, you are that blessing.” But many people misunderstood that and now they go out and they bless people. That is not what Our Lady intended to say. She intended to say that our life should become a blessing for other people because only priests are supposed to bless. She said their priestly hands are blessed by my Son. And
we visionaries, we cannot bless. I always ask pilgrims, don’t ask me to do that. I cannot bless anyone except my own children and that is my motherly blessing, because I also need blessing from a priest.”
The following is an excerpt from an interview with Vicka. This was broadcast live by Radio Maria Italia from Medjugorje on January 2, 2008: PADRE LIVIO – One of the reasons these apparitions are so important has to do with something the Madonna said after the first year the apparitions began. The Madonna made certain pronouncements which I would like for you to comment on, giving your interpretation of them. The Madonna said: “My apparitions at Medjugorje are the last ones for humanity. Hurry to convert” (April 17, 1982) and, “I came to call the world to conversion for the last time. In the future I will come no more upon the Earth. These are my last apparitions” (May 2nd, 1982). Do you think this means that Medjugorje are the last apparitions of the Madonna here on Earth? VICKA – For me the message that the Madonna has given is very clear: this is the last time that She will be present here on Earth in the way She has been present at Medjugorje for such a long period of time. I heard Her speak those words because I was the one who received them personally; the words of the other message I did not receive personally and maybe the other seers could add something more. Still today the Madonna is inviting us to conversion, because it is today that we are living this time of grace. We must not wait for tomorrow in order to convert, we must do so today because tomorrow could be too late. The Madonna says, everything that you can do today, do today. And also, our conversion isn't something that happens on just one day, but it continues over our entire life. Mary calls us in order to bring us closer to Her Son. She has never said that She should have the first place. I have never heard this from Her mouth. Always when the Madonna speaks She says, "Put my Son first; I come second." She says, "When you pray, always pray to my Son first, and then afterwards to me, and then the many graces God gives to me, I can give to you." The Madonna is only a go-between between God and men. God gives these graces to the Madonna and then She gives them to us.
Interview with Vicka Mijatovic conducted by Mate T. Vasilj on January 17th, 2007. 4. Q. Is it true that Mary has said Medjugorje is the last place she will appear on earth? A. Our Lady expressly said that this is the last apparition on earth in this manner (way). Q. What does this mean? A. In the way that she is coming now, She will not come again. Ivan Dragicevic, spoke in Seattle, Washington, on the evening of October 29, 1997
Q: Is it true that when Our Lady stops appearing in Medjugorje she will no longer appear again on earth? A: In this way, no. In this kind of apparition, no.
From: 'Wayne Weible' So, you label me unprofessional, dishonest and misleading. Thank you, brother in Christ. I would never say such to anyone for I am not a judge of others but only one who shares the faith and seeks to do what is given to me. I do not quote any visionary as claiming these are the last apparitions but state what I believe based on my own research not only on Medjugorje but other past prophecies and apparitions. You would also discredit Fr. Tomislav because of his failures, but he was there for the visionaries at that time. Again, who are we to judge so harshly any brother or sister in Christ? Instead, I applaud the commendation of Fr. Jozo for Tomislav for the assistance and spiritual support he gave them during his tenure at Medjugorje. The visionaries use their own interpretation of the very same messages that quote Our Lady of directly stating these are her last apparitions on earth, by adding "IN THIS WAY" or, "I think this is what it means". They are not infallible any more than any one of us is infallible. Have you read the entire book yet? There is much more than just a focus on these as the last apparitions. Have I gone too far in this claim? Only time will tell. Meanwhile, it is what I personally believe and stand by. May you be less judgmental and more lenient of a brother who wishes the same conversion for mankind as you do. In Christ, wayne
From: 'M. Gayer' Dear Wayne,
Instead of your sarcasm: “So, you label me unprofessional, dishonest and misleading. Thank you, brother in Christ”, I would more appreciate if you would instead read my text carefully and argument to the point. It seems you have taken factual criticism of your questionable claims personally. I did not label you as dishonest, I merely wrote that selling your book with such title and description is possibly dishonest. This would depend on other factors, such as e.g. your true motives and sincerity, and therefore I wrote possibly dishonest.
For example, let us suppose a case in which you would eventually realize that your claim Underlying the story is the disclosure by the Mother of Jesus that she will never come to earth again in apparition.” is a falsehood, because at least four Medjugorje visionaries over and over again explicitly and clearly rejects that Our Lady would ever make such statement or would express herself in this sense. And let us also suppose you would also e.g. realize that you were with your claims putting your personal beliefs and opinions in this matter into the mouth of Our Lady, so your speculations would look like Her words and disclosure. If you would despite that continue to make money with the book or talks, being aware you are misleading others, but pretending that everything is alright and keeping a self-righteous pose, than it would be certainly dishonest. Visionaries clearly clarified that “… in this way” is part of the message and are Our Lady’s words, which were omitted in the books such as yours. You now write me that “… in this way” is instead merely visionaries addition to the message and their own interpretation, as is Mirjana’s: “I think that it means”. This way you are again contradicting the numerous visionaries clarification, you are accusing the visionaries that they are inserting their own additions into Medjugorje messages, that they are falsely presenting it as Our Lady’s words and are lying to us about it. These are serious accusations and even if you would be right, it would mean that none of the messages they delivered or their comments about secrets could be fully
trusted, including those which you use to support your personal beliefs about Medjugorje being the last apparitions on earth and your speculations about Medjugorje secrets. Mirjana's Question and Answer Session, 1998 Q: Did Our Lady say that Medjugorje is the last time she will appear on earth? A: Our Lady never said it that way. People that want to create sensationalism say that because they pick and choose the things that they like. What Our Lady said was that, "this is the last time I will be on earth in this way." She said clearly that in this way, this is the last time she will be on earth. And through my own prayer, I came to think what she meant was that this is the last time that she will be for this long of a period of time and with this many visionaries, not that she will never come to earth again. You are on a very thin ice with your Medjugorje - last apparition on earth speculations. You now write me that the last apparition idea is your own personal belief based on your research. Yet, you sell the book to the public with this sensational and misleading title and description as it would be a fact and that it was Our Lady who disclosed that.
Currently, I do not plan to buy your book, your methods and argumentation are so far too discouraging I would do that.
Best regards, Marek
From: 'Wayne Weible' God bless you, brother. Update: After publishing this article, Wayne Weible e-mailed us again (on Holy Thursday). Completely void of any argumentation or clarifications of his previous very questionable claims, Wayne Weible accused us writing in "spiritually arrogant manner" and for "attacking a brother in Christ with such self righteousness". So much for how Wayne Weible responds to objections and criticism, as well as for the integrity of claims of Wayne Weible, who in one of his previous e-mails above alleged: "I would never say such to anyone for I am not a judge of others but only one who shares the faith and seeks to do what is given to me." | | ![]() | |
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