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Search help
List of features:
- it is possible to search one word or more words together
(if you will enter more words separated by spaces, records containing all words will be found (equal to entering AND
operator) - upper and lower case of word are not distinguished
- it is possible to use masking using asterisk (for searching of words beginning with with lov -
, ending by lov - *lov
and containing lov: *lov*
- it is possible to use logical operators
, OR
and NOT
- you can use parentheses for composing of searched expressions
- Searching all records containing word
- Searching of phrase
- Place phrase into parenthses, e.g.:
"Pray, pray, pray"
. Records containing phrase will be listed.
- Searching of words based on part of the word (
) - Enter expression "
. Records containing words, which begins on entered string, such as Love, Loving, loves etc.
- Searching for all words, contained in text (
) - If you want to for example find records in which are both words love and peace, enter expression:
Love AND Peace
- Searching for any of words (
) - If you will enter expression:
Peace OR Love
, all records, in which are at least one of the searched words
- Searching with excluding of undesired words (
) - If you will enter expression:
Peace AND NOT war
, all records, in which is word Peace, but in the same time is not present word war.
More complex examples:
conver* AND pray*
"pray, pray, pray" AND heart
(peace OR love) AND NOT war
(Son AND Jesus) OR (God AND Creator*)
Son Jesus
is equal to expression Son AND Jesus