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![]() | Medjugorje Blue BookAbandon Yourselves Totally to MeOther languages: English, Italiano
Date: November 7, 2006 , Last update March 1, 2008 Author: Dr. Fra Slavko Barbarić, OFM , Fra Tomislav Vlašić, OFM Category: Early Medjugorje Reflections Books , Books , Priests of Medjugorje Content of the article
This book is the second of the four volumes of sermons and discourses given by Fr. Slavko Barbaric and Fr. Tomislav Vlasic during 1984 - 1987 in Medjugorje, and contains discourses given from January to June 1985. 30 Chapters of this book are now completed "I knock, but there are so many hearts that still do not open to Me"Yesterday evening (Maundy Thursday) there was the following message: "Dear children, I thank you because you have begun thinking more of Our Lord's glory in your hearts. Today is the day when I did not intend giving you the messages any longer because there are some of you who do not accept them. The parish has, however, moved. They have responded. And from now on I want to give you my messages in such a way as has never happened since the beginning of the world." The first part of the message is very important: "Dear children, I thank you because you have begun praying more in your hearts to Our Lord's glory." When Our Lady gives such a message, when She says it in this way, an explanation is not diffucult, but it is, all the same, very important to understand it. During these days and especially on the feast of the Annunciation, on the one hand, we came across great difficulties and on the other, we experienced many graces. Let us hope that these difficulties even inside ourselves, in our hearts, may undergo change, which once Our Lady spoke about in a message: "Dear children, pray that all the trials coming from satan may end in Our Lord's glory." It seems to me that in this message a very important thing has become true; from these very difficulties a further advance towards Our Lord's glory is coming about. Another thing: we thought that Our Lady would not give any further messages and I believe this to be due to the difficulties we happen to have. Only Our Lord can find a solution to some of the things here, and through our prayers. In fact in the last message but one, Our Lady said: "In prayer you will feel or find the solution even to the most difficult situations that seem impossible to you." If Our Lady says something particular in this message, She also wants to bring to our attention every other message. The 'message' is a new way that has never been seen before since the beginning of the world. Facing these events taking place among us for the last forty-five months we have been going on through incredible difficulties. Every evening there were lots of people (even bishops and priests) asking: 'is it possible for Our Lady to appear in this way?' As far as I know I would never have thought Our Lady would appear every evening for such a long time. How can we account for this ? Prof. Joyeux explained that the visionaries, all together, react in a fifth of a second. An absolute synchronism impossible to be accounted for. They say: our reaction is towards the light coming before Our Lady, then we kneel. They see this light, but we do not. So the reaction actually is there. How to explain this ? He says that scientifically it is inexplicable. What can we do ? Accept and believe and let these events move us. We have been living them for forty-five months in spite of all the difficulties. And you could say they continue moving the whole world. Now I feel it is time to conclude this short account. You know what Jesus said to John under the Cross : "Here is your Mother." and to his Mother He said: "Here is your son." When John wrote the Apocalypse, he saw a woman who wore the sun for her mantle. I think this is the very thing that happens in these messages, every evening, when Our Lady comes, full of graces:"Here is your Mother" "Here is your son". Our Lady has taken seriously these words under the Cross and every Thursday, in every message, it is as if she said: "Dear children, this cross is built according to Our Lord's providence (on Mount Krizevac): pray before that Cross." So today again who can understand those words if not we who hear them every evening: "Dear children"? Yesterday I asked the visionaries how the apparition took place: Our Lady came and said "Jesus Christ be praised", she prayed with us and we commended everybody to her. We prayed for a blessing and finally She again said: "Go in the Lord's peace." What Our Lady tells the visionaries every evening is also for us: "Jesus Christ be praised" He died for everybody and from the Cross he said to her: "look, this is your son." We were all represented in John standing under the Cross with Our Lady. So who can understand these events but we who hear these words every evening ? Who can accept Our Lady as our Mother but we and all those who have followed these events and you who will follow us with your prayers ? Together with Our Lady I ask you: pray, pray, pray. Jesus defeated satan with His Cross but satan continues spoiling Our Lord's plans. In a message Our Lady said: "Even if you fall in the trial, do not stop." So act and go forward. I would like us all this evening to accept that 'here is your Mother', accept 'here is your son.' In a message Our Lady said: "I knock, but there are so many hearts that still do not open to me." This evening let us try to open them: 'here is your son'. And Our Mother wants to be with her child, her family and all humanity. Well, open your hearts this evening in order to fulfil Our Lord's plan, who wanted a community, that we all have a Mother, that we have a bond of love through which Our Lady could speak as a Mother. And the Mother wants to lead us not to her, but to Jesus because he died for us. it is her duty to take us, to lead us to Jesus. So let us try be faithful under the Cross, with our Mother, this cross of ours. If we flee from our difficulties and refuse to carry our Cross we will not hear these words: "here I am, here is your Mother". By these words I wanted to introduce you to this evening's liturgy, a liturgy I know you will not understand: open your hearts and Our Lord will talk to you; open your hearts and the word will also be given to you: the word of comfort, of consolation. You will be given grace, because Jesus died for us. (Fr. Slavko Barbaric - 5th April 1985) | | ![]() | |
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