“Open your heart to God, little children, through Holy Confession and prepare your soul so that little Jesus can be born anew in your heart. Permit Him to transform you and lead you on the way of peace and joy. Little children, decide for prayer. Especially now, in this time of grace, may your heart yearn for prayer.”
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14 Videos Messagio di Medjugorje
Medjugorje Message - May 25, 2015 - 25 maggio 2015
“Dragi otroci! Tudi danes sem z vami in z radostjo vas vse kličem: molite in verujte v moč molitve. Odprite svoja srca, otročiči, da vas Bog napolni s svojo ljubeznijo in vi boste radost drugim. Vaše pričevanje bo močno in vse, kar delate, bo prepleteno z Božjo nežnostjo. Jaz sem z vami in molim za vas in vaše spreobrnjenje, vse dokler Boga ne postavite na prvo mesto. Hvala vam, ker ste se odzvali mojemu klicu. ”