Medjugorje WebSite news
24 dicembre 2007 ,
Ultimi aggiornamenti 24 dicembre 2008 / Categoria:
Scaricare gratis![[EN]](/data/default/css/img/en-only.gif)
Articoli da parte dei visitatori,
Testimonianze, news / Autore:
Marek Gayer
The Medjugorje Screensaver can be downloaded and used free of charge. It contains photos from section Pictures & Photos taken by Marek Gayer in Medjugorje and also contains selected music tracks from a music album Gospa Oratorio. You can also freely listen to or download the full music album in mp3 format at Gospa Oratorio website and burn your own CD or listen on your MP3 player.
13 settembre 2008 / Categoria: news
New photos in Medjugorje Photos Gallery
In Medjugorje Photos Gallery, there are many new photos; in the album Medjugorje Photos of Summer. Pictures from albums are displayed using an enhanced system, which allows fast viewing and access to next and previous pictures. For viewing next and previous image, it is possible to use except mouse clicks also left and right arrow cursor keys.
24 dicembre 2007 / Categoria:
Scaricare gratis![[EN]](/data/default/css/img/en-only.gif)
, news / Autore:
Marek Gayer Medjugorje Wallpapers
Wallpapers are produced for your computer desktop in the following resolutions:
- 800x600
- 1024x768
- 1200x800 (for wide screens).
For larger desktops, wallpapers can be resized by choosing Position as "Expanded" in your display settings, tab Desktop. Before downloading .zip file containing the wallpapers in all the resolutions, you can click thumbnail to see a preview of the wallpaper.
Scarica (0.1 MB )
1 settembre 2007 , Ultimi aggiornamenti 8 settembre 2007 / Categoria: news / Autore: Marek Gayer
Changes on the website
- News & Articles now will be published in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Polish languages
- You can easily switch to different language versions - Medjugorje Apparitions, Articles, Messages and Novena sections and its pages displays links to other available language versions, if available
- You can now contact webmaster directly by e-mail and not only through contact form. It is recommended to contact webmaster by e-mail instead of contact form. In case of contact form, sometimes my eventual reply may not arrive to you, because of settings of antispam software you use. In the cases you expected reply which you did not received (e.g. after 2 weeks), please do not hesitate to ask me if I received your message or e-mail and/or if I sent you any reply.
- Improved design of introductory page and navigation
- By default, guestbook shows items from currently selected language, however it is still possible to display records of all languages.
- Guestbook records are no longer displayed in detailed list of updates of the website.
14 giugno 2007 / Categoria: news / Autore: Marek Gayer
Guestbook and contact form are functional again
I apologize to all users of this website who were recently unable to send feedback using contact form and add new items to the guestbook. Due to a bug in an update of the website software, during the 28 May until morning 14 June, informations filled in contact form and guestbook were unfortunately not stored on the website. If possible, please use either contact form or guestbook to send these informations again; now these tools are functional again. Thank you.
9 giugno 2007 / Categoria: news / Autore: Marek Gayer
Norwegian and Vietnamese languages supported in Medjugorje Messages section
Added Norwegian and Portuguese languages, with support for most of the
features in Messages section for these languages.
20 maggio 2007 / Categoria: news / Autore: Marek Gayer
Albanian, Catalan, Hungarian, Romanian and Swedish Medjugorje messages
Recent Medjugorje messages in Albanian, Catalan, Hungarian, Romanian and Swedish language will be included on this website.
18 maggio 2007 / Categoria: news / Autore: Marek Gayer
Latvian and Portuguese language supported in Medjugorje Messages section
Added Latvian and Portuguese languages, with support for most of the
features in Messages section for these languages.
21 settembre 2006 / Categoria: news / Autore: Marek Gayer
Medjugorje website - recent changes
- Considerably extended Medjugorje Apparitions section
- Added some new items and new category Medjugorje in the Church to News & Articles
- Improved design of Pictures & photos galleries
- Added 4 new galleries with Medjugorje Photos from late summer, Visionary Vicka, Siroki Brijeg and Krizevac (Cross Mountain)
- New page Latest Message (suitable for distribution) in Medjugorje Messages section
- Titles of all Medjugorje Messages are now more descriptive and more suitable for printing in Internet Explorer. Highlighted date of message followed by symbol
means that by clicking on the date, the message will be displayed separately in a popup window allowing to print and email the message, and add the message to favorites in your Internet Browser. Example: "Dear children! This is a time of grace. That is why pray, pray, pray until you comprehend God's love for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call. "
- Some links in left navigation bar of Medjugorje Messages section are more detailed and understandable
- Added new links to selected recommended pages about Medjugorje Messages, Medjugorje Apparitions, Medjugorje News & Articles and Medjugorje Photos in the introductory page
- Created separate section for Guestbook
- Special versions for low resources browsers, mobile phones and PDA devices
19 luglio 2006 / Categoria: news / Autore: Marek Gayer
Some recent changes at Medjugorje website
As you may already noticed they were some changes made to this site: - Site now can be accessed either by or
- Remaked starting page with quote of the day and also with links to selected recommended pages and documents
- Your choosen language preferences should be now much better remembered when you return to the site
- On left column of pages you can access some nice tools that work with messages
- Pages have been tested with Opera 9.0 browser and are valid XHTML 1.0.
14 maggio 2006 / Categoria: news / Autore: Marek Gayer
Dutch language supported in Messages section
We added
Dutch language, and we support most of the
features in Messages section for the Dutch language.
11 aprile 2006 / Categoria: news / Autore: Marek Gayer
New address of the web Our Lady of Medjugorje
Today I finished moving of the site to a new address, that should be more easy to remember and matches better to the name of the site: Although the old address should work also, I recommend of using the new address, because will work only until May 2007. The site was unavailable during whole the yesterday due to this change but should be up and running from today without further problems.
2 dicembre 2005 / Categoria: news / Autore: Marek Gayer
Russian language supported in Messages section
We added
Russian language, and we support most of the
features in Messages section for the Russian language.
22 novembre 2005 / Categoria: news / Autore: Marek Gayer
New languages supported in Messages section
We added
Bulgarian and Czech languages, and we support most of the
features in Messages section for these languages.
26 settembre 2005 / Categoria: news / Autore: Marek Gayer
New languages supported in Messages section
We added
Slovak and Slovenian languages, and we support most of the
features in Messages section for these languages.
2 settembre 2005 , 10:33 / Categoria: news / Autore: Marek Gayer
Announcement of opening the website « Our Lady of Medjugorje »
Dear friends of Medjugorje,
Today I open a multilingual website « Our Lady of Medjugorje », which contain pages about Medjugorje including Apparitions, Visionaries, News & Articles about Medjugorje and spiritual life, the Medjugorje Novena, Photo Gallery, Links to top Medjugorje websites.
The website also features the most advanced archive of Medjugorje Messages and Reflections on the Internet, allowing topics and words highlights, concordance, powerful fulltext search, easy comparison between different language versions, easy viewing and printing the messages upon various criteria's. The archive currently supports 7 languages, but I plan to add more languages. The website is accessible in various browsers, and also supports PDA's and other browsers with limited resources and connectivity.
I hope that this web can have contribution by offering both pleasant and feature rich environment allowing comfortable reading, studying and enjoying the Medjugorje messages on the Internet for all the people who like them, regardless of language preferences.
You can find more information about the website here.
Best regards,
Marek Gayer,
webmaster of website Our Lady of Medjugorje,