Mladifest 19 – Medjugorje 2008
1th - 6th august 2008
“ You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses "
The 19th International Youth Festival - Mladifest 19 – will take place in Medjugorje from August 1st to August 6th, 2008. The theme of the encounter is, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8) (“In silence may the Holy Spirit speak to you and permit Him to convert and change you.” - Message of July 25, 2006
This theme is in harmony with the theme of the 23rd World Youth Day, which is taking place in Australia. Holy Father is addressing his word to young people:
“My dear young friends, the Holy Spirit continues today to act with power in the Church, and the fruits of the Spirit are abundant in the measure in which we are ready to open up to this power that makes all things new. For this reason it is important that each one of us know the Spirit, establish a relationship with Him and allow ourselves to be guided by Him.
I know very well that you young people hold in your hearts great appreciation and love for Jesus, and that you desire to meet Him and speak with Him. Indeed, remember that it is precisely the presence of the Spirit within us that confirms, constitutes and builds our person on the very Person of Jesus crucified and risen. So let us become familiar with the Holy Spirit in order to be familiar with Jesus.
May Mary, united in prayer with the Apostles in the Upper Room, accompany you throughout these months and obtain for all young Christians a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit to set their hearts on fire. Remember: the Church has confidence in you! We Pastors, especially, pray that you may love and lead others to love Jesus more and more and that you may follow Him faithfully. With these sentiments I bless you all with deep affection.“
Friday, August 1st
06:00 pm – Rosary
07:00 pm - Presentation of the Language Groups, Holy Mass then 1 hour Adoration, then Presentation of the Community of the Merciful Father + Theatre and musical show
Saturday, August 2nd
09:00 am – Morning Prayer
09:30 am –12:00 am – Lectures, Music, Testimonies
12:00 am – Pause
04:00 pm – Lectures, Music, Testimonies
06:00 pm – Rosary
07:00 pm – Holy Mass
10:00 pm – Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, then Whole Night Adoration in the Church
Sunday, August 3rd
During the morning: Holy Masses in different languages
04:00 pm – Lectures, Music, Testimonies
06:00 pm – Rosary
07:00 pm – Holy Mass then
Procession through the Parish
Monday, August 4th
09:00 am – Morning Prayer
09:30 am –12:00 am – Prayer, Music, Testimonies of Community “Cenacolo”
12:00 am – Pause
04:00 pm – Lectures, Music, Testimonies
06:00 pm – Rosary
07:00 pm – Holy Mass
09:30 pm – “Cenacolo” Community Programme (Theatre and musical show)
Tuesday, August 5th
09:00 am – Morning Prayer
09:30 am –12:00 am – Lectures, Music, Testimonies
12:00 am – Pause
04:00 pm – Lectures, Music, Testimonies
06:00 pm – Rosary
07:00 pm – Holy Mass
08:30 pm – Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament
09:30 pm - Singing Farewell
Wednesday, August 6th - Transfiguration of the Lord
05:00 am – Holy Mass on Križevac
- Things to bring with you: small FM radio with headphones, a Bible and umbrella.
- All groups participating in the Youth Prayer meeting: please do not arrange or make plans for any other programs during this week.
- The evening prayer programme for all begins with the Rosary at 6 pm followed by Holy Mass at 7 pm.
Explanation of the logotype for the Youth Festival in Medjugorje 2008
Mladifest Logo 2008 The theme of the festival is, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8).
The logotype contains four basic elements:
Dove – symbol of the Holy Spirit
In the Gospels, the Holy Spirit manifested himself in the form of a dove when Jesus was baptized on the river Jordan. The evangelist Matthew is saying: “And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove” (Mt 3:16). Mark (1:10), Luke (3:21-22) and John (1:32) are saying the same in similar words. With his grace, the Holy Spirit is wakening our faith and bringing a new life which consists in “knowing the Father, and the One that the Father sent, Jesus Christ”. The Holy Spirit enlightens us, dwells in us as in a temple, sanctifies us for a dwelling place for God, and he is making all things new. The Holy Spirit is gathering the Church, awakening in our hearts faith in Jesus Christ, by whose word he is gathering us into a community.
The Blessed Virgin Mary
Jesus entrusted his Mother Mary to us as a special gift of his love, with the words, “Women, behold your son!”, and to John he said, “Behold your mother” (Jn 19:26), and so he entrusted all of us to Mary. Mary is the Mother of the Church and our mother. The Blessed Virgin Mary presented herself in Medjugorje as the Queen of Peace.
The Church
The Church is a place where the entire sacramental life is taking place. The sacraments are effective signs of grace, established by Christ and entrusted to the Church, and they confer to us the divine life (CCC 1131). Those who receive them, are being healed and transformed by the Holy Spirit, and conformed to the Son of God.
In Medjugorje, it is clearly seen, especially during the Youth Festival, that the Church is really the bride: young, beautiful and joyful. Seven young people holding hands represent the Church from the whole world united in the Holy Spirit